Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Just a quick update from my dr.'s appt. yesterday...

I am at 3 cm all the way. Last week I was only 1.5 cm inside and 3 outside. Dr. said she could feel the baby's head moving around and that my water bag was bulging, so I have definitely made progress!

She said *technically* the hospital won't let them induce before 41 weeks (which I will be on Friday) without a medical reason, but she is on call Thursday and is not able to schedule an induction for Friday. So, she said since I am already so close and overdue, if we just *happen* to show up at the hospital Thursday morning because I am cramping, etc., she said she would most likely just be able to keep me there and break my water! So tomorrow we will hopefully have a baby! I am so excited, but if I think about it too much I get nervous!

Hope to have good news soon!! :)

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